Empowerment. Art and Feminisms – Publication en.


Empower­ment. Art and Feminisms – Publi­ca­tion en.
The English book is a text book without illustrations




“We should all be feminists!” (Chima­manda Ngozi Adichie)—In Europe and the United States, feminism has long since become part of popular culture. Yet, despite global movements, demons­tra­tions, and petitions to establish equality, it is still not possible in the twenty-first century to speak of compre­hen­sive gender equality with regard to women and LGBTQIA+ communities—not in any country of the world. In many places, struc­tural relati­ons­hips of power and inequa­lity prevent equal pay or the remune­ra­tion of domestic work and ensure oppres­sion and explo­ita­tion up to physical violence or even murder. Countless artists worldwide react to such untenable condi­tions, as well as to other global challenges, with their feminist-oriented artworks. Activistic, provo­ca­tive, and direct, but also poetic, humorous, and subtle, these artists strive to achieve equal and forward-looking living condi­tions for themselves, other margi­na­lized people, and society as a whole.

With 44 texts and inter­views by scholars, artists, and curators from across the globe, this publi­ca­tion provides insight into the diversity of feminist theories and practices in the field of art, as well as in the most diverse areas of life and work. Like no other publi­ca­tion before it, Empower­ment: Art and Feminisms offers a compact overview of cultural, political, and artistic develo­p­ments of the recent past and the present. The planetary approach under­lying the publi­ca­tion offers various ways of thinking about feminist futures.

This English book is published to comple­ment the German-language publi­ca­tion Empower­ment. Kunst und Feminismen (Art and Feminisms), which has been produced in coope­ra­tion with the Federal Agency for Civic Education (available for €7 in the museum shop, at unstmuseum.de/shop, or at bpb.de (plus postage).
The English book is a text book without illustrations

Additional infor­ma­tion

25 x 20 cm

224 pages

Text volume, no images