Empowerment – Publication (ger.)


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“We should all be feminists!” (Chima­manda Ngozi Adichie) – feminism has long since become part of popular culture in Europe and the USA. Yet despite global movements, demons­tra­tions and petitions to bring about equality, even in the 21st century we still cannot speak of compre­hen­sive gender equality with regard to women and LGBTQIA+ commu­nities – neither in this country nor elsewhere. Struc­tural power and inequa­lity relati­ons­hips prevent equal pay or the remune­ra­tion of domestic work in many places and ensure oppres­sion and explo­ita­tion, up to physical violence or even murder: Numerous artists* worldwide react to these untenable condi­tions as well as other global challenges with their feminist-oriented works. Activist, provo­ca­tive and direct, but also poetic, humorous and subtle, they try to achieve equal and forward-looking life possi­bi­li­ties for themselves, other margi­na­lized people and society as a whole.

With around 50 texts and inter­views by scholars, artists, and curators from all over the world, this publi­ca­tion provides insights into the diversity of feminist theories and practices in the field of art as well as in the most diverse areas of life and work. The trans­di­sci­pli­nary texts are accom­pa­nied by illus­tra­tions of works by about 180 artists from around 60 countries. Empower­ment. Art and Feminisms thus offers a compact overview of cultural, political, and artistic develo­p­ments of the recent past and the present. The book follows a planetary perspec­tive, offering different ways of thinking about feminist futures.

The publi­ca­tion has been produced in coope­ra­tion with the Bundes­zen­trale für politi­sche Bildung.

Additional infor­ma­tion: 26 x 21 cm, 500 pages, approx. 380 illustrations