Robert Lebeck – catalogue


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The exhibi­tion catalogue, edited by Ralf Beil and Alexander Kraus, designed by Cordula Lebeck, is being published by Steidl Verlag, Göttingen. It features essays on the history of 1968, photo­jour­na­lism and photo­graphy by Ralf Beil, Michael Glasmeier, Fabian Köster, Alexander Kraus, Aleksandar Nedel­kovski, Stefanie Pilzweger-Steiner, Stephan Ruderer, Annette Vowinckel, Martina Winkler and Ulf Erdmann Ziegler in addition to an extensive selection of previously unpublished photo­graphs and contact sheets as well as the most important photo repor­tages from the year 1968. Hardcover, 320 pages, 226 illus­tra­tions, 22,5 x 30 cm, German and English edition